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My Films
I have a number of scripts in various stages of production, as they are made I'll update their status/links on this page, they'll end up on my IMDB page at some point.
In addition I've made my first film - TXT M - you can see that here too.
Forgive Me Father in pre-production in New York.
Heartbeat - Bought by Notice of Filming.
Swedish Number - Optioned by filmmaker in Ireland.
Pre and Post Production
A few of my films that you can find online.
Don't be That Guy - by Emotion in Motion Productions. WATCH HERE
First Kiss - By Stearns Media Group. WATCH HERE
Flowers - By Ozcorp Films for micro-short competition. WATCH HERE
Tattooji - By Vintage Productions
TXT M - I filmed this myself from a concept I then scripted. WATCH HERE
Filming/Post Production
Connected - in post in Rome.
A Certain Romance - In post.
Fairytale - In post.
Press 1 for... - Second version in post.